Employment for Youth on Autistic Spectrum

In Israel, the topic of Haredi employment rates has gained increasing interest in recent years. Numerous efforts have been made by both government and non-governmental bodies to increase the employment rates of this sector. Employment of special needs populations in Israel has also drawn increasing attention, with a number of efforts being made to find suitable employment options for this population.

Sulam currently operates an elementary and junior high school for children in Beit Shemesh defined as on the Autistic spectrum (ASD), providing a therapeutic rehabilitative framework designed to reduce gaps and provide these children with the tools needed to integrate into the community effectively. Effectively, the services provided in this framework are for children ages 6-18.

As the children approach high school age, one of the most difficult issues is how to prepare these youth for employment. Here we are dealing with a unique issue as these youth are also on the spectrum, i.e. they have communication limitations and also, for the most part, Haredi, which limits their options due to the society and community they belong to.

Sulam has set itself a goal to develop a number of options in which we believe they youth can succeed and integrate effectively into the job market.


There are computer related areas in which autistic youth are very capable of succeeding such as QA, programming and others. Sulam has recruited experts in this field who are teaching our youth at a high professional level which will enable them to successfully integrate into the job market.


We are also providing instruction to our youth in this field so as to create for them additional employment options.


This is another field that would open up employment opportunities for our youth.

Sulam is currently preparing to build a new educational facility for this population in Beit Shemesh and we would like to devote the entire top floor to a vocational training facility. This would allow us to create the spaces needed for vocational training and equip them appropriately. Currently, no such facility for the Haredi ASD population exists in Beit Shemeh.

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